PG certificateCharade is a Film programme that first aired in 1953 and has been classified a PG certificate.

Charade is a 4 star programme

Image for the Film programme "Charade"

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Charade (1953)

Directed by
Roy Kellino

Small budget comedy drama. A trio of three unrelated short stories with the actors adding their unique insight before and after each family portrayal. The first begins as a murder mystery, followed by the second story based on a romantic drama, and the third being a comedy.

Written by ,

Genre: Film

Running Time: 120 minutes (approx)

Production Year: 1953

4/5 Stars

Classification: PG Certificate

Production Country: USA

Filmed in Black and White


Image for James Mason IJames Mason I...Maj. Linden
Pamela Mason...Pamela
Scott Forbes...Capt. Stamm
Paul Cavanagh...Col. Heisler
Bruce Lester...Capt. van Buren
John Dodsworth...Lt. Meyerdorf
Judy Osborne...Dotty
Sean McClory...Jack Stuydevant
Vince Barnett...Berg