The Young Montalbano is a Drama programme.

An Apricot has no rating, but The Young Montalbano is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
Image for Drama programme "The Young Montalbano"

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The Young Montalbano: An Apricot

Series 2, episode 6

Directed by (unconfirmed)
Gianluca Maria Tavarelli

Michele Riondino, Fabrizio Pizzuto, Alessio Vassallo, Sarah Felberbaum, Beniamino Marcone, Maurilio Leto. Prequel series giving an insight into the private life and early crime-fighting career of detective Salvo Montalbano. Everything is ready for Salvo's move to Genova - except, it would seem, Salvo himself. As he contemplates a new life away from his beloved Sicily and prepares to hand his role over to his deputy, soon to be inspector, Mimi' Augello, Montalbano can't help but be drawn deep into one last investigation. A young woman has been found dead in what appears to have been a tragic accident, her car discovered at the bottom of a cliff with her body in it. But the evidence doesn't add up and, despite Augello's readiness to accept the easy conclusion, Montalbano remains convinced that the inconsistencies of the case need unpicking further.

Cast (unconfirmed)

Michele Riondino
Sarah Felberbaum
Alessio Vassallo
Beniamino Marcone
Fabrizio Pizzuto
Alessandro Piazza
Maurilio Leto
Andrea Camilleri
Francesco Bruni
Salvatore De Mola