The Good Wife is a Drama programme that first aired in 2009. Two Girls, One Code has no rating, but The Good Wife is a 4/5 star programme.
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TagsThe Good Wife: Two Girls, One CodeSeries 4, episode 3Written by Robert King , Michelle King Directed by Brooke Kennedy Originally Aired On: Sunday, 14 October 2012Alicia and Will represent an internet start-up company in a case against a search engine that is accused of manipulating its search results in favour of businesses that pay for advertising. Eli discovers that a journalist writing a high-profile article about the Florricks is going to reveal evidence of a new affair and struggles to contain the potential scandal for Peter's campaign. Sopranos star Dominic Chianese guest stars as Judge Marx, and Rita Wilson returns as Alicia's old adversary Viola Walsh Click to see when The Good Wife, Two Girls, One Code is coming up on UK TV Cast
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