The Cops is a Drama programme.

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The Cops

Drama series staring Katy Cavanagh, Rob Dixon, John Henshaw, Parvez Qadir and Steve Jackson. This series follows the lives of a group of officers at Stanton police station.

This drama series won a double BAFTA award and has been critically acclaimed.

In the first episode of the new season. Sergeant Giffen (Rob Dixon) and Inspector Wakefield (David Crellin) find themselves in the middle of a local drug clans feud. But can the two bitter rivals bury their differences to get a result, and are they willing to sacrifice anything - including their principles - for the right outcome?

Roy (John Henshaw) and Mel (Katy Cavanagh) are called to help paramedics take stabbed Emmett Caffrey (David Ayresa) from his drug-dealing father Frank's (Colin Waite) house. Is it an accident, as Frank claims, or is the family at war with itself? Wakefield claims that Frank has a protection deal with the drig's squad.

Meanwhile, John (Michael McNally) is taking down the details of a burglary from distressed teacher Carly (Jo Joyner) when her boyfriend - Ciaran Caffrey (Iain McKee), Frank's troubled youngest son - arrives and orders the policemen out.

Suspicious, John and Jellicoe (Steve Garti) track down the stolen goods at a second hand shop and pick up known burglar Tommy Nimmo (Des Sharples), who was stupid enough to sign his own name. Then Jellicoe finds prescription pads, belonging to Carly's GP father, in Tommy's flat. Is Ciaran selling the pads to local drugs users, is there a connection to the assault on his brother Emmett and is Frank behind the burglary?

En route to a recruitment meeting with Maggie (Jan Pearson), Giffen (Rob Dixon) spots a dangerous suspect at a garage and charges in to arrest him without backup. When it emerges that charges against the man have been dropped, Giffen looks to be in deep water and Wakefield enjoys his discomfort. But the discovery of a gun in his car sees Giffen a hero and Wakefield furious.

On a roll, Giffin picks up on the Caffrey's feud and deliberately lets slip to Ciaran that it is was Tommy Nimmo who burgled the flat. Duly provoked, Ciaran attacks Tommy and the police are on hand to arrest him for assault, with Tommy happy to provide a statement.

Meanwhile, Dean (Danny Seward), still down over his brother's assault, plays a prank on Karen (Kitty Simpson). And Natalie (Clare McGlinn) tries to help Dom Mowbray (Lee Shepherd), Ciaran's young drug runner.

When Carly is brought in and drugs are found in her bag, Giffen and Wakefield have a perfect opportunity to get Ciaran to spill the beans on his father. But Newland (Mark Chatterton) has other plans...

Courtesy of BBC.

Genre: Drama

Running Time: 50 minutes (approx)

Main Cast

Katy Cavanagh
Rob Dixon
John Henshaw
Parvez Qadir
Jack Marsden
Steve Jackson
Clare McGlinn
Steve Garti
Danny Seward