15 certificateThe Brothers is a Drama programme and has been classified a 15 certificate.

Image for the Drama programme "The Brothers"

Seasons in Detail

The Brothers

Brian travels to Dover in search of business expansion, but his ideas anger David. With his marriage already under strain, he is driven to give in temptation.

Genre: Drama

Running Time: 50 minutes (approx)

Classification: 15 Certificate

When is The Brothers next on TV?

It's next showing on Talking Pictures TV December 25th, 1:55pm and on Talking Pictures TV December 26th, 8:00pm. See more...

Main Cast

Robin Chadwick
Richard Easton
Colin Baker
Patrick O'Connell
Jennifer Wilson
Gabrielle Drake
Gillian McCutcheon
Julia Goodman
Frank Jarvis
Malcolm Stoddard
Derek Benfield
Claire Nielson
John Baddeley
Margaret Ashcroft
Anna Fox
Jonathan Newth
Hilary Tindall
Glyn Owen
Marjorie Yates
Annette Andre