Spartacus: War of the Damned is a Drama programme that first aired in 2012.

Wolves at the Gate has no rating, but Spartacus: War of the Damned is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
Image for Drama programme "Spartacus: War of the Damned"

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Spartacus: War of the Damned: Wolves at the Gate

Series 1, episode 2

Directed by
Jesse Warn

Originally Aired On: Friday, 01 February 2013

Historical drama series about the gladiatorial slave. Spartacus leads a daring assault to provide food and shelter for his people. Crassus, who has started building an army of his own, receives an unexpected visitor.


Liam McIntyre...Spartacus
Manu Bennett...Crixus
Dustin Clare...Gannicus
Daniel Feuerriegel...Agron
Cynthia Addai-Robinson...Naevia
Simon Merrells...Marcus Crassus
Ellen Hollman...Saxa
Ditch Davey...Nemetes
Pana Hema Taylor...Nasir
Jenna Lind...Kore
Christian Antidormi...Tiberius
Anna Hutchison...Laeta
Todd Lasance...Julius Caesar
Heath Jones...Donar
Barry Duffield...Lugo
Gwendoline Taylor...Sibyl
Aaron Jakubenko...Sabinus
Katherine Kennard...Tertulla
Harry Standbridge...Publius
Anthony Ray Parker...Sanus
Kelson Henderson...Diotimos
Cohen Holloway...Attius
Pete Muller...Ennius
Andrew Grainger...Laurus
Charlie Bleakley...Ulpianus
Phil Peleton...Arms Merchant
Sam Bunkel...City Guard
Leonardo Afon...Blond Guard
Shadon Meredith...Male Slave
Coleen Davis...Roman Mother
Sam Snedden...Guard