Sea Patrol is a Drama programme.

Friends Close, Enemies Closer has no rating, but Sea Patrol is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
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Sea Patrol: Friends Close, Enemies Closer

Series 2, episode 12

Directed by
Ian Barry

Originally Aired On: Monday, 16 June 2008

Buffer faces a difficult time when he is kidnapped and later betrayed, while Mike Flynn is back at the helm. Ian Stenlake stars


Kirsty Lee Allan...Chef Rebecca 'Bomber' Brown
John Batchelor...Chief Petty Officer Andy 'Charge' Thorpe
Saskia Burmeister...Lt. Nikki Caetano
Matthew Holmes...Chief Petty Officer Chris 'Swain' Blake
David Lyons...Leading Seaman Josh 'ET' Holiday
Lisa McCune...Lt. Kate McGregor
Jay Bunyan...Able Seaman Billy 'Spider' Webb
Kristian Schmid...Able Seaman Robert J. 'RO' Dixon
Ian Stenlake...Lt. Com. Mike Flynn
Jeremy Lindsay Taylor...Petty Officer Pete 'Buffer' Tomashevski
Steve Bisley...CMDR Steve Marshall
Ian Barry
Image for Alan DaleAlan Dale...Ray Walsman
Dajana Cahill...Carly Walsman
Aaron Fa'aoso...Massita Balanbaan
Goran D. Kleut...Vjek
Bo Kaan...Wayne
Colin Handley...Walsman's Skipper
Sharm Brown...Speedboat Driver
Avelino 'El Rico' Lescot...Attacker
Boe Kaan...Wayne