Rescue Special Ops is a Drama programme.

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Rescue Special Ops: A Day in the Life of Dean Gallagher

Series 2, episode 2

Directed by
Arnie Custo

Originally Aired On: Monday, 05 July 2010

The team races to the scene when a jet skier crashes into a marina's fuel depot, causing a huge explosion. Dean smashes his way into the office of a boat business to save a woman trapped inside, but gets into difficulties himself after running out of air


Daniel Amalm...Jordan Zwitkowski
Gigi Edgley...Lara Knight
Katherine Hicks...Heidi Wilson
Les Hill...Dean Gallagher
Andrew Lees...Chase Gallagher
Peter Phelps...Vince Marchello
Libby Tanner...Michelle LeTourneau
Image for Damian de MontemasDamian de Montemas...Jim Tucker
Teresa Jakovich...Caroline Tucker
Drew Woodley...Gate Guy
Rebekah Foord...Nadia Shepherd
Luke Pegler...Gary Bing
Stephen Anderton...Det. Brett Ryan
Madeleine West...Annika Ehrenberg
Jack Millynn...Wayne McCann
Peter Overton...Newsreader
Sean Garlick...Firie
Phillip Mckinnon...Doctor Welsh
Jessica Saras...Nurse Taylor
Greg Locke...Investigator