PerfectMichelle Collins has it all in a new drama created by Susan Oudot, writer of Real Women. A serial bigamist, Julie Harding (Michelle Collins) is a compulsive flirt with a wicked sense of humour. She loves a good wedding - especially her own - but Julie is a perfectionist, and the reality of married life doesn't always mirror the magic of the big day. So when plans don't fulfil her expectations, she moves on to a new home, a new man and a new life.... To lose one husband is unfortunate but to lose three husbands is definitely careless, and just as Julie is riding on a high her past lives threaten to catch up with her. As the trail of devastation she has left behind her is revealed, even Julie's well rehearsed skill in covering her tracks can't save her. Losing her grip, she faces further shocks as secrets from her youth return to haunt her, and Julie discovers that life is far from perfect. Genre: DramaRunning Time: 10 minutes (approx)Main Cast
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