One Tree Hill is a Drama programme.

Every Breath is a Bomb has no rating, but One Tree Hill is a 3/5 star programme.
3 star rating
Image for Drama programme "One Tree Hill"

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One Tree Hill: Every Breath is a Bomb

Series 9, episode 9

Directed by (unconfirmed)
Peter B Kowalski

Haley strikes up a partnership with Dan in his search for Nathan. Brooke and Julian take new measures to protect their family. Skills helps Mouth get to a turning point, Chase faces consequences for defending Chuck, and Clay reaches a new understanding with Logan

Cast (unconfirmed)

Image for Bethany Joy LenzBethany Joy Lenz
Image for Paul JohanssonPaul Johansson
Image for James LaffertyJames Lafferty
Image for Sophia BushSophia Bush
Image for Austin NicholsAustin Nichols
Antwon Tanner
Lee Norris
Stephen Colletti
Michael May
Robert Buckley
Shantel VanSanten
Jackson Brundage
Lisa Goldstein
Tyler Hilton
Pierce Gagnon
Ian Biggins