One Tree Hill is a Drama programme.

Prom Night at Hater High has no rating, but One Tree Hill is a 3/5 star programme.
3 star rating
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One Tree Hill: Prom Night at Hater High

Series 4, episode 15

Directed by
Paul Johansson

Originally Aired On: Wednesday, 21 February 2007

On the day of the prom, everyone in Tree Hill experiences the repercussions of Nathan's pre-prom party. Haley asks Nathan for a list of his past sexual conquests. Rachel is suspended after taking the blame for stealing a test with Brooke. Peyton tells Lucas that she wants to skip the prom entirely, but he refuses to take no for an answer. And Mouth and Brooke deal with their "Clean Teens" dates on prom night.


Image for Chad Michael MurrayChad Michael Murray...Lucas Scott
Image for James LaffertyJames Lafferty...Nathan Scott
Image for Hilarie BurtonHilarie Burton...Peyton Sawyer
Image for Bethany Joy LenzBethany Joy Lenz...Haley James Scott
Image for Paul JohanssonPaul Johansson...Dan Scott
Image for Sophia BushSophia Bush...Brooke Davis
Barbara Alyn Woods...Deb Scott
Lee Norris...Marvin 'Mouth' McFadden
Image for Barry CorbinBarry Corbin...Coach Whitey Durham
Antwon Tanner...Antwon 'Skills' Taylor
Image for Danneel AcklesDanneel Ackles...Rachel Gatina
Matt Barr...Derek
Stephen Colletti...Chase Adams
Moira Kelly...Karen Roe
Brad Mills...George
Cullen Moss...Junk
Bevin Prince...Bevin Mirskey
Amy Tipton...Flight Attendant
Lisa Wheelous...Prom Date
Vaughn Wilson...Fergie