One Tree Hill is a Drama programme. Locked Hearts and Hand Grenades has no rating, but One Tree Hill is a 3/5 star programme.
Next Show TimesSeasons in DetailTagsOne Tree Hill: Locked Hearts and Hand GrenadesSeries 3, episode 6Written by Chad Fiveash , James Patrick Stoteraux Directed by Marita Grabiak Originally Aired On: Wednesday, 09 November 2005In an effort to keep her cheerleaders from fighting over the same guys, Brooke devises a "Fantasy Boy Draft." Haley and Peyton butt heads over Nathan, while Lucas has trouble keeping up with the brutal pace of basketball practice. Meanwhile, as the election nears, mayoral candidate Dan clashes with his new opponent. Click to see when One Tree Hill, Locked Hearts and Hand Grenades is coming up on UK TV Cast
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