Nowhere Man is a Drama programme. Nowhere ManBruce Greenwood stars as Thomas Veil who, as a photographer, had taken many controversial pictures during recent travels, with one standing out amongst the guests at the opening of his gallery. Later, at dinner, when he returns from a brief trip to the restroom, he finds his life has changed. The staff does not know him, though he has been a regular there, and his wife is gone. Later instances prove that his identity has been wiped clean. People whom he knows seem not to know him, including his wife. All of his identification and monetary cards seem to not work or be tied to him. Returning to his gallery, the star picture, four men hanging with their identities covered, is gone. The next year of Thomas Veil's life is a hunt for the true identities of those dead men, the importance of that picture, and a search for what roll he truly plays in the big picture. Genre: DramaMain Cast |
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