Nashville is a Drama programme that first aired in 2012 and has been classified a 12 certificate. Time Changes Things has no rating, but Nashville is a 4/5 star programme.
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TagsNashville: Time Changes ThingsSeries 3, episode 20Written by Deb Fordham Directed by Arlene Sanford Originally Aired On: Wednesday, 29 April 2015Rayna travels to Natchez, Mississippi, in an attempt to help Deacon and it becomes clear how much their shared past is affecting his current life-or-death struggle. Jade invites Luke, Jeff and Layla to a beachfront bash at her home in Malibu that turns into an all-night rager. Back in Nashville, new mother Juliette tries to jump-start her career with a last-minute rooftop concert, and Kiley returns to Gunnar with news that changes everything. Christina Aguilera guest stars Click to see when Nashville, Time Changes Things is coming up on UK TV Cast
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