Man in a Suitcase is a Drama programme.

Image for the Drama programme "Man in a Suitcase"

Seasons in Detail


Man in a Suitcase

McGill helps a scientist protect himself from a blackmail attempt by a business rival, but discovers the government may be behind the scheme.

Genre: Drama

Running Time: 60 minutes (approx)

When is Man in a Suitcase next on TV?

It's next showing on London Live October 12th, 12:00pm and on London Live October 14th, 8:00pm. See more...

Main Cast

Richard Bradford
Image for Donald SutherlandDonald Sutherland
Alexander Robert Scott
Gerald Flood
Cyril Shaps
Faith Brook
John Cairney
Robin Bailey
Lionel Murton
Jacqueline Ellis
Justine Lord
Patrick Cargill
Rupert Davies
Robert Hutton
Maxwell Shaw
Eric Thompson
Yoko Tani
Michael Goodlife
Priscilla Morgan
George A. Cooper