Law and Order is a Drama programme and has been classified a PG certificate. Bling has no rating, but Law and Order is a 5/5 star programme.
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Tagsseries, crime drama, police, drama series, detective, western, thriller, mystery, drama, crime, 5 star LinksLaw and Order: BlingSeries 17, episode 18Written by Dick Wolf , Matt McGough Directed by Karen Gaviola Originally Aired On: Friday, 06 April 2007Green and Cassady investigate the fatal shooting of female rapper Clarice James. The clues initially lead them to a shady music producer, but suspicion later falls on a jeweller who claims the victim owed him a large sum of money. Police drama, starring Milena Govich and Jesse L Martin Click to see when Law and Order, Bling is coming up on UK TV Cast
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