Justified is a Drama programme that first aired in 2010.

Debts and Accounts has no rating, but Justified is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
Image for Drama programme "Justified"

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Justified: Debts and Accounts

Series 2, episode 10

Directed by (unconfirmed)
Tony Goldwyn

Now he is no longer on the mining company's payroll, Boyd moves out of Ava's and meets up with Johnny to discuss new plans. In the aftermath of Coover's death, Dickie is ostracised by his mother and decides he should stand up for himself. Raylan tries to get Art to tell him all he knows about the money stolen from the evidence room, and Winona's divorce nears completion

Cast (unconfirmed)

Image for Timothy OlyphantTimothy Olyphant
Natalie Zea
Image for Walton GogginsWalton Goggins
Nick Searcy