Inspector Morse

Police drama series featuring Colin Dexter's enigmatic chief inspector and his sidekick Sergeant Lewis.

Genre: Drama

4/5 Stars

When is Inspector Morse next on TV?

It's next showing on ITV3 Tomorrow, 6:35am and on ITV3 Tomorrow, 8:45am. See more...

Main Cast

Image for John ThawJohn Thaw...Chief Inspector Morse
Image for Kevin WhatelyKevin Whately...Det. Sgt. Lewis, Det. Sgt. Robert Lewis
James Grout...Chief Superintendent Strange
Peter Woodthorpe...Max - Pathologist
Liz Kettle...Policewoman, WPC
Amanda Hillwood...Dr. Grayling Russell, Dr. Grayling Russell - Pathologist
David Lascelles
Richard Huw...Det. Constable Dearden
Trevor Martin...Alan Sowden, Porter
Michael Goldie...Jimmy, Tramp
Maureen Bennett...Val Lewis, Wife
Chris Burt
Norman Jones...Chief Inspector Bell, Chief Superintendent Bell
Philip Voss...Coroner
David Baukham...Desk Sergeant, Desk Sgt., Police Sergeant
Lee Richards...Barmaid, Waitress at Dance
Deirdre Keir
Mark Draper...Angry Policeman, Constable
Andy Bradford...Night Hawk 3, Trevor Radford
Bernard Brown...Dr. Felix McClure, Wheatley