In the Club is a Drama programme that first aired in 2014.

In the Club is a 4 star programme

Image for the Drama programme "In the Club"
Picture: BBC/Rollem/Matt Squire

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In the Club (2014)

Drama series about a group of expectant parents who bond at pre-natal classes and the lives of the couples leading up to the births.

Genre: Drama

Running Time: 60 minutes (approx)

Production Year: 2014

4/5 Stars

Production Country: UK

Main Cast

Ashley McGuire
Alexander Wolfe
Gemma Paige North
Mark Morrell
Lewis Hardaker
Luke Thompson
Jaqueline Boatswain
Mark Quartley
Christina Tam
Jane Prowse
Peter Singh
Will Tudor
Rob Norbury
Jessica Ellerby
Rebecca Davies
Nick Hopkins
Jill Myers
Neasa Hardiman
Sarah O'Gorman
Keicha Greenidge