Exemplar is a Drama programme.



Thriller, by Ben and Max Ringham, with Dan Rebellato, about a forensic analyst whose passion for sound makes her the UK's leading audio forensic examiner. The origin of a pop song is disputed. Can Jess and Maya identify who wrote it? Starring Gina McKee, Shvorne Marks and Clare Perkins.

Genre: Drama

Running Time: 30 minutes (approx)

When is Exemplar next on TV?

It's next showing on BBC Radio 4 February 7th, 2:15pm and on BBC Radio 4 February 14th, 2:15pm. See more...

Main Cast

Image for Gina McKeeGina McKee
Shivrone Marks
Claire Perkins
Max Ringham
Malcolm Ridley
Benjamin Cawley
Shvorne Marks
Amy McAllister
Afnan Iftikhar
Barbara Marten
Tracey Wilkinson
Mark Stobbart
Asif Khan
Molly Roberts
Jessica Taylor
Image for Fenella WoolgarFenella Woolgar
Dan Rebellato
Image for Juliet StevensonJuliet Stevenson
Image for Don GiletDon Gilet
Chetna Pandya