Eleanor Rising is a Drama programme.

Seasons in Detail

Eleanor Rising

Dramatic account of the life of Eleanor of Aquitaine, based on fact, legend and rumour. Following Eleanor's marriage to the Dauphin, a wedding feast is prepared, but news comes of an imminent attack, led by the renegade Lord. From 2020.

Genre: Drama

Running Time: 15 minutes (approx)

When is Eleanor Rising next on TV?

It's next showing on BBC Radio 4 Extra Today, 1:45pm and on BBC Radio 4 Extra Tonight, 7:45pm. See more...

Main Cast

Cecilia Appiah
Rose Basista
Joel McCormack
Carl Prekopp
Roger Ringrose
Shaun McKenna
John Lightbody
Luke Nunn
Ammar Haj Ahmad
Stewart Campbell
Elinor Coleman
Jane Slavin
Joel MacCormack
Max Bennett
Colin Ryan
Bettrys Jones
Image for David SturzakerDavid Sturzaker
Ruth Everett
Tony Turner
Jonathan Forbes