Death in Paradise is a Drama programme that first aired in 2011. Beyond the Shining Sea (Part 1) has no rating, but Death in Paradise is a 4/5 star programme.
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TagsDeath in Paradise: Beyond the Shining Sea (Part 1)Series 8, episode 5Directed by (unconfirmed) Jermain Julien In the first of a two-part story, a fishing community is excited about the arrival of their festival queen for an annual celebration, but when her boat arrives with only her dead body on board, DI Mooney is left, yet again, with a baffling mystery to solve. What could a missing loaf of bread have to do with the crime? Meanwhile, Florence and Patrice look forward to their wedding, which is only a week away, but a huge strain is put on their relationship when the groom is drawn into the murder case as a former employer and long-time friend of the victim Click to see when Death in Paradise, Beyond the Shining Sea (Part 1) is coming up on UK TV Cast (unconfirmed)
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