Death in Paradise is a Drama programme that first aired in 2011.

Missing a Body? has no rating, but Death in Paradise is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
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Death in Paradise: Missing a Body?

Series 1, episode 4

Directed by
Roger Goldby

Originally Aired On: Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Holiday-maker Megan Talbot confesses to shooting dead her husband, but puzzlingly there isn't a body - and without a victim, Richard has little to go on, insisting nothing is definite without hard evidence. But then a local boat crew fish a corpse out of the sea, with two gunshot wounds to the head - just as Megan said. Miranda Raison (Sugartown) and Neil Stuke (Silk) guest star in the Caribbean crime drama, with Ben Miller and Sara Martins


Neil Stuke...Lucas Talbot
Image for Miranda RaisonMiranda Raison...Megan Talbot
Image for Ben MillerBen Miller...DI Richard Poole
Sara Martins...Camille Bordey
Gary Carr...Fidel Best
Danny John-Jules...Dwayne Myers
Image for Derek RiddellDerek Riddell...Patrick Knight
Emma Fielding...Astrid Knight
Chris Tummings...Greg
Élisabeth Bourgine...Catherine
Stany Coppet...Pierre
Matthew Bird
Roger Goldby
James Payne