12 certificateCrisis is a Drama programme that first aired in 2014 and has been classified a 12 certificate.

If You Are Watching This, I Am Dead has no rating, but Crisis is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
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Crisis: If You Are Watching This, I Am Dead

Series 1, episode 2

Written by
Directed by
Peter Markle

Originally Aired On: Sunday, 23 March 2014

After a mysterious phone call, Meg Fitch must collect a large sum of cash in order to get her daughter Amber back safely. Meanwhile, the Pakistani Ambassador is tasked with doing the unthinkable to get his son back. Elsewhere, Dunn and Finley begin working together to track down the whereabouts of a missing secret service agent and uncover a surprising secret. At the mansion, the students of Ballard High School are tested by their captors.


Image for Gillian AndersonGillian Anderson...Meg Fitch
Image for Dermot MulroneyDermot Mulroney...Francis Gibson
Rachael Taylor...Agent Susie Dunn
Lance Gross...Agent Marcus Finley
Image for James LaffertyJames Lafferty...Mr. Nash
Max Martini...Koz
Image for Michael BeachMichael Beach...FBI Director Olsen
Stevie Lynn Jones...Beth Ann Gibson
Halston Sage...Amber Fitch
Max Schneider...Ian Martinez
Joshua Erenberg...Anton Roth
David Andrews...Agent Hurst
David Chisum
Image for Faran TahirFaran Tahir...Tariq Rind
Brandon Ruiter...Luke Putnam
Shavon Kirksey...Sloan Yarrow
Adam Scott Miller...Kyle Devore
Rammel Chan...Jin Liao
Lia D. Mortensen
Jessica Dean Turner...Communications Gunwoman
Annie Munch...Sharlene Wirth
Dan Waller...Agent Valens
Minita Gandhi...Bashira Rind
Ali Hashmi...Aziz Rind
Brian McCaskill...FBI Agent
Michael Pogue...FBI Agent
Amy J. Carle...FBI Agent
Jerre Dye...FBI Agent
Kevin Gudahl...Chief Legal Counsel
Dan Smith...Homeless Man
Adam Poss...Ambassador's Assistant
Iymen Chehade...ISI Man
Sean M. Sullivan...Masked Gunman
Jim Kozyra...FBI Staffer
Jason Bradley...FBI Tech
Blaine Swen...EMT/Masked Gunman
Joshua Bywater...Ray/American Soldier
Samuel Taylor...American Soldier
Holly Barrett...Masked Gunman
Marisa Baldwin-Woodhouse...Core Parent
Anthony Casares...Core Teen
Meighan Gerachis...Connie
Shon McGregory...FBI Core
Chris D. Thomas...FBI Agent
Al Vento...FBI Agent
Matthew W. Allen...Parent
Brandon Bowens...DC Cop
Taylor Bright...Core Teen
Davat Chambers...Core FBI Agent
Billy Chengary...Core Teen
Audelynn S. Crespo...Core Teen
Olin Eargle...Core Teen
Robert Finlayson...Parent Of Kidnapped Child
Sandee Greene...FBI Core Tech
Ryan Browning Johnson...FBI Agent
J. Anthony Kopec...Father of Kidnapped Child
Mino Mackic...CIA Agent
Asta Razma...Core Parent
Michelle Roman...Featured CIA Agent
Arthur-Angelo Sarinas...FBI Agent
Michael Gideon Sherry...Core Teen
January Stern...Cia
Billy Surges...Core Teen
Vince Tolentino...Core Teen