Crisis is a Drama programme that first aired in 2014 and has been classified a 12 certificate. If You Are Watching This, I Am Dead has no rating, but Crisis is a 4/5 star programme.
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TagsCrisis: If You Are Watching This, I Am DeadSeries 1, episode 2Written by Rand Ravich Directed by Peter Markle Originally Aired On: Sunday, 23 March 2014After a mysterious phone call, Meg Fitch must collect a large sum of cash in order to get her daughter Amber back safely. Meanwhile, the Pakistani Ambassador is tasked with doing the unthinkable to get his son back. Elsewhere, Dunn and Finley begin working together to track down the whereabouts of a missing secret service agent and uncover a surprising secret. At the mansion, the students of Ballard High School are tested by their captors. Click to see when Crisis, If You Are Watching This, I Am Dead is coming up on UK TV Cast
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