Crisis is a Drama programme that first aired in 2014 and has been classified a 12 certificate. Seasons in DetailTagsCrisis (2014)Drama series following an idealistic Secret Service agent who finds himself at the centre of an international crisis on his first day on the job. Genre: DramaRunning Time: 60 minutes (approx)Production Year: 2014Rating: |
Gillian Anderson | ... | Meg Fitch | |
Dermot Mulroney | ... | Francis Gibson | |
Rachael Taylor | ... | Agent Susie Dunn | |
Lance Gross | ... | Agent Marcus Finley | |
James Lafferty | ... | Mr. Nash | |
Max Martini | ... | Koz | |
Michael Beach | ... | FBI Director Olsen | |
Stevie Lynn Jones | ... | Beth Ann Gibson | |
Halston Sage | ... | Amber Fitch | |
Max Schneider | ... | Ian Martinez | |
Joshua Erenberg | ... | Anton Roth | |
Adam Scott Miller | ... | Kyle Devore | |
Jessica Dean Turner | ... | Communications Gunwoman | |
Jason Bradley | ... | FBI Agent Frank Appel, FBI Tech, FBI Tech Frank Appel | |
Rod Hallett | ... | Jonas Clarenbach | |
Mark Valley | ... | CIA Director Widener | |
Brandon Ruiter | ... | Luke Putnam | |
Sean M. Sullivan | ... | Creepy Guard/Masked Gunman, Masked Gunman, Masked Gunman #1/Creepy Guard | |
Rammel Chan | ... | Jin Liao | |
M.J. Carey | ... | Masked Gunman |