Casualty is a Drama programme. Tangled Webs We Weave has no rating, but Casualty is a 4/5 star programme.
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TagsLinksCasualty: Tangled Webs We WeaveSeries 30, episode 33Directed by (unconfirmed) Steve Hughes Fate conspires to bring Max and Zoe together as a team when Mercedes's son Connor is taken by Shelle. Meanwhile, Rita is bothered by Mark's lingering presence, but resist's Iain's advice to get the police involved, and panic surges through the Emergency Department when a poisonous spider is reported to be on the loose in Holby. Medical drama, starring Sunetra Sarker and Jamie Davis Click to see when Casualty, Tangled Webs We Weave is coming up on UK TV Cast (unconfirmed)
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