CSI: Crime Scene Investigation is a Drama programme that first aired in 2000 and has been classified a 15 certificate. Grissom Versus the Volcano has no rating, but CSI: Crime Scene Investigation is a 4/5 star programme.
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Tagscrime drama, entertainment, drama series, detective, thriller, drama, crime, adventure, action, 4 star LinksCSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Grissom Versus the VolcanoSeries 4, episode 9Directed by Richard J. Lewis Sheriff Atwater suspects terrorists are responsible for a car bombing that killed three people outside a casino, but Grissom isn't so sure. Elsewhere, Sara and Warrick investigate the death of a popular entertainer's wife, who was found floating in a hot tub while her husband was on stage. Click to see when CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Grissom Versus the Volcano is coming up on UK TV Cast
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