Braquo is a Drama programme that first aired in 2009. 4 Moins 1 (4 Minus 1) has no rating, but Braquo is a 4/5 star programme.
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TagsBraquo: 4 Moins 1 (4 Minus 1)Series 2, episode 8Written by Abdel Raouf Dafri , Eric Valette Directed by Eric Valette Originally Aired On: Monday, 12 December 2011Roxanne is finally back with Caplan. Before he disappears, Fevre reveals all, telling Caplan his secrets about Africa and France's neo-colonial involvement and the connections between those who were there. When they learn of a secret dossier, Irene and Caplan race to get their hands on it. Click to see when Braquo, 4 Moins 1 (4 Minus 1) is coming up on UK TV Cast
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