Braquo is a Drama programme that first aired in 2009. Seasons in DetailTagsBraquo (2009)Four police agents' attempt to clear the name of their colleague, who is wrongly accused of criminal misconduct and commits suicide. Genre: DramaRunning Time: 60 minutes (approx)Production Year: 2009Rating: |
Jean-Hugues Anglade | ... | Eddy Caplan | |
Karole Rocher | ... | Roxane, Roxane Delgado | |
Nicolas Duvauchelle | ... | Théo, Theo Vachewski, Théo Vachewski, Théo Wachewski | |
Joseph Malerba | ... | Walter, Walter Morlighem | |
Geoffroy Thiebaut | ... | Roland Vogel, Vogel | |
Alain Figlarz | ... | Lemoine, Serge Lemoine | |
Samuel Le Bihan | ... | Gabriel Marceau, Marceau | |
Pascal Elso | ... | Procureur Banderbeke, Procureur Vanderbeke, Procureur Vanderbekke, Procureur Yanderbecke, Vanderbeke | |
Joël Lefrançois | ... | Fargette | |
Lizzie Brocheré | ... | Oriane | |
Sophie Broustal | ... | Myriam, Myriam Elmidoro | |
Hubert Koundé | ... | Jonas Luanda, Luanda | |
François Levantal | ... | Col. Dantin, Dantin | |
Denis Sylvain | ... | Louis Bordier | |
Valérie Sibilia | ... | Hélène Rossi | |
Yann Pradal | ... | Tintin | |
Tristan Aldon | ... | Oscar Morlighem, Oscar Morlinghem | |
Dimitri Rataud | ... | Antoine Bleuvenne, Bleuvenne | |
Yann Babilée | ... | Fevre, General Fevre | |
Laëtitia Lacroix | ... | Valérie Borg |