Time Shift

Documentary exploring how British Rail transformed the network after the Second World War, changing from steam to diesel and electric engines, and creating modern stations such as London's Euston. Featuring archive British Transport Films footage. Narrated by Rebecca Front.

Also known as "Timeshift"

Genre: Documentary

4/5 Stars

When is Time Shift next on TV?

It's next showing on BBC Four July 30th, 9:00pm and on BBC Four HD July 30th, 9:00pm. See more...

Main Cast

Rebecca Front
David Leach
Ranulph Fiennes
Phil Taylor
Matt Thomas
William Naylor
Rebecca Whyte
Chloe Penman
Gerry Dawson
Rachel Jardine
Alastair Laurence
Steve O'Hagan
Liz Bonnin
Victoria Coren Mitchell
Eric Bristow
Andy Hall
Francis Welch
Ben Southwell
Prue Leith
Grace Dent