Panorama is a Documentary programme.

Belly Mujinga: Searching for the Truth - Panorama has no rating, but Panorama is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
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Panorama: Belly Mujinga: Searching for the Truth - Panorama

Series 1247, episode 0

The death of transport worker Belly Mujinga following reports she had been coughed and spat on by a customer at London's Victoria Station was described by Boris Johnson as appalling and has prompted two million people to join a Justice for Belly campaign. A police investigation wasn't launched until five weeks after the mother-of-one had died from Covid-19 and concluded there was insufficient evidence to charge anyone with a crime. Reporter Rianna Croxford goes back over the evidence and asks whether all available lines of inquiry were followed, and examines claims that Belly could have been better protected at work and hears calls for an inquest

Cast (unconfirmed)

Rianna Croxford
Rachel Jupp