Inside the Factory is a Documentary programme.

Image for the Documentary programme "Inside the Factory"

Seasons in Detail

Inside the Factory

Documentary revealing what goes on at some of the largest factories in Britain.

Genre: Documentary

Running Time: 60 minutes (approx)

When is Inside the Factory next on TV?

It's next showing on BBC Two England July 30th, 8:00pm and on BBC Two England HD July 30th, 8:00pm. See more...

Main Cast

Ruth Goodman
Cherry Healey
Image for Gregg WallaceGregg Wallace
Gavin Ahern
Chris Parkin
Emma Pound
Samantha Bailey
Duncan Thompson
Ruth Horner
Daisy Fordham
Jon Alwen
John Payazidis
Tony Graynoth
Steve Bonser
Will Aspinall
Rob Myler
Sanjay Singhal
Alice Harper
Tim Hansen
James Buchanan