Dirty Jobs is a Documentary programme.

Exotic Nanny has no rating, but Dirty Jobs is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
Image for Documentary programme "Dirty Jobs"

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Dirty Jobs: Exotic Nanny

Series 5, episode 2

Originally Aired On: Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Mike Rowe works at an exotic animal ranch in Texas, but has trouble getting along with its wallabies and lemurs. However, his toughest challenge involves trimming a bearcat's claws


Mike Rowe...Himself - Host
David M. Barsky...Himself
Doug Glover...Himself
Troy Paff...Himself
Chris Whiteneck...Himself
Adam Bradley...Himself
Lisa Barnett...Herself
Hope Bennett...Herself
Scott Edwards...Himself
Jarrod Forthman...Himself
Jennifer Hamada...Herself
Nancy Kobert...Herself
Gil Riegler...Himself
Sara Stuart...Herself
Eric Trager...Himself