U certificateBinneas - Na Trads is a Documentary programme and has been classified a U certificate.

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Binneas - Na Trads: 20/06/2016

Series 1255, episode 0

Air a' chruthachadh leis na sàr phìobairean Calum MacRuimein agus John Mulhearn, tha am buidheann, Big Music Society a' brosnachadh agus a' taisbeanadh nòsan ùra nuair a thig e gu pìobaireachd no Ceòl Mòr. Air àrd ùrlar Talla Caird ann a Dùn Dè aig na Trads 2015, tha iad ann an cò-sheirm le foireann-ciùil a tha làn tàlant. Le pìobaire cho cliùteach 's a th'ann - Murray Hendersen - aig an ceann, tha a bhuidheann a toirt dreach àlainn air "Lament For Hugh". Created by pipers John Mulhearn and Calum MacCrimmon, the Big Music Society seeks to promote new creative approaches to the ancient art of Cèol Mòr or piobaireachd. Onstage at Dundee's Caird Hall, at the Trad Awards 2015, they appear with a talented string section. At their head is the revered piper Murray Henderson and they peform a beautiful rendition of "Lament for Hugh"