Arena is a Documentary programme.

Stanley and His Daughters has no rating, but Arena is a 3/5 star programme.
3 star rating
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Arena: Stanley and His Daughters

Series 421, episode 0

Directed by (unconfirmed)
Francis Hanly

Film exploring the relationship of artist Stanley Spencer's two daughters, Unity and Shirin, as they try to understand and reclaim their father and investigate their family's archaeology. The film examines what it is like to be the children of a genius in a family whose private life has been described as 'the most bizarre domestic soap opera in the history of British art'. At the heart of the film are Stanley's daughters - Unity, 87 and Shirin, who's 91. Their separation, post-Stanley's divorce from fellow artist Hilda was traumatic. So, too, the fiasco of their father's second marriage to self-confessed lesbian, Patricia Preece. This separation took root in the daughters' lives, and only in old age have they come together. The film follows this late-life rapprochement, as Unity boxes up her father's drawings and letters and leaves her London home of 40 years to be with Shirin in Wales.

Cast (unconfirmed)

Francis Hanly
Philip Armstrong-Dampier
Anthony Wall
Mark Bell