Reuniting the founding creative team, this documentary tells the story of the genesis of the satirical puppet show Spitting Image, with contributions from caricaturists Peter Fluck and Roger Law and TV producer John Lloyd. Spanning the early years of Margaret Thatcher's government to the end of John Major's, the puppets became almost as famous as the politicians they lampooned. In 2000, the puppets were auctioned off at Sotheby's and the programme finds out where they now reside. Revealing the technical achievement of the series, Arena meets the caricaturists, puppet-mould makers, designers, puppeteers, impressionists, writers and directors who ensured the show landed its weekly jibes and punches at the politicians, royals and celebrities of the day. The film asks what Spitting Image got right, where it went wrong and whether its absence since 1996 has left a hole in the schedules that has yet to be filled by modern broadcasting.