The Food Programme is a Cookery programme.

Image for Cookery programme "The Food Programme"

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The Food Programme: Kitchen Obsessives: Why Aim to Cook the Perfect Dish?

Series 1, episode 0

Leyla Kazim discovers how some people took lockdown cooking to a whole new level. Warwickshire cook Dan Fell made headlines for sharing his `perfect" fried chicken recipe after spending 18 months testing it. In New York, journalist and chef Bill Buford became obsessed with cooking the perfect roast chicken. And journalist Kate Ng spent her days emulating the perfect crimps on her grandmother's curry puffs. For Leyla, lockdown was all about baking the perfect sourdough loaf. In this programme she asks why so many people became obsessed with creating the perfect meal, and what the quest for perfecting a dish says about society. She talks to long-standing recipe obsessives food writer Felicity Cloake and 'obsessional' cook Alex `French Guy Cooking" Ainouz

Cast (unconfirmed)

Leyla Kazim