Food Unwrapped is a Cookery programme that first aired in 2012.

Food Unwrapped: Fast Food Special has no rating, but Food Unwrapped is a 3/5 star programme.
3 star rating
Image for Cookery programme "Food Unwrapped"

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Food Unwrapped: Food Unwrapped: Fast Food Special

Series 16, episode 0

The team investigates issues surrounding fast food. Matt Tebbutt discovers why takeaway chips tend to go soggy, and Kate Quilton examines the challenges of ensuring every branch of a pizza chain produces exactly the same food. The programme also investigates reports of parasites in sushi and discovers why burgers cannot be served rare in the same way that a steak can

Cast (unconfirmed)

Jimmy Doherty
Kate Quilton
Matt Tebbutt
Helen Lawal
Marc Heffernan