Food Unwrapped is a Cookery programme that first aired in 2012.

Ep8 has no rating, but Food Unwrapped is a 3/5 star programme.
3 star rating
Image for Cookery programme "Food Unwrapped"

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Food Unwrapped: Ep8

Series 16, episode 0

Jimmy Doherty, Kate Quilton and Matt Tebbutt continue to travel the world to reveal more of the secrets behind the food we eat. Jimmy wants to know if prunes can help the Food Unwrapped team stay regular, as Matt has been known to get a bit bunged-up on his travels. Putting plums, prunes and prune juice to the test, Jimmy heads to King's College London, where he's tasked with making his own 'poo recipe'. In the Netherlands, Matt meets a Dutch pioneer who may have unlocked the secret to growing vegetables using sea water: a discovery that could change the lives of millions of people across the developing world. Matt samples the effect sea water has on the vegetables, and is astonished by what he tastes. And Kate takes a close look at how much sugar is in cherry tomatoes, asking if the supermarkets are labelling them correctly