A Place in the Sun is a Consumer programme.

Home Or Away: Ceredigion v Sardinia has no rating, but A Place in the Sun is a 3/5 star programme.
3 star rating
Image for Consumer programme "A Place in the Sun"

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A Place in the Sun: Home Or Away: Ceredigion v Sardinia

Series 1505, episode 0

Bristol couple Bob and Jenny Lait are planning their retirement. Now that their children have flown the nest, they want to start a new life and find a new home, but they can't agree on the location. Do they retire to Ceredigion in west Wales, where they have spent many happy holidays in the past, or do they start afresh and live la dolce vita on Sardinia? Property experts Jonnie Irwin and Jasmine Harman show them dwellings at home and away for their budget of £200,000 to help them decide.