A Place in the Sun: Home or Away is a Consumer programme.

West Devon/Arles has no rating, but A Place in the Sun: Home or Away is a 3/5 star programme.
3 star rating
Image for Consumer programme "A Place in the Sun: Home or Away"

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A Place in the Sun: Home or Away: West Devon/Arles

Series 51, episode 0

Graham and Diane Shepherd are in a rush to find the perfect retirement pad. With redundancy on the horizon for Graham, they think now is the right time to downsize and relocate. Diane loves Devon and wants to move just down the road to West Devon. But Graham has been learning French and dreams of a place in the sun in Arles in France. With a budget of £200,000 they have asked Jonnie Irwin and Jasmine Harman to help them decide between home or away