The Mighty Boosh is a Comedy programme.

Journey to the Centre of the Punk has no rating, but The Mighty Boosh is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
Image for Comedy programme "The Mighty Boosh"

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The Mighty Boosh: Journey to the Centre of the Punk

Series 3, episode 2

Surreal sitcom about a jazz fan, a fashion victim, a mystic and their gorilla friend. In an attempt to impress his new punk mates Vince bites Howard's rare jazz record, but bites off more than he can chew as the corruptive Jazz Beast enters his bloodstream. As Vince's life hangs in the balance, Naboo has to shrink Howard and his jazz companion Lester Corncrake to the size of a pea and send them into Vince's body to locate and kill the invasive cell, before the Jazz Beast kills Vince.

Cast (unconfirmed)

Noel Fielding
Julian Barratt
Michael Fielding
Rich Fulcher
David Brown