Such Brave Girls is a Comedy programme.

Image for the Comedy programme "Such Brave Girls"

Seasons in Detail

Such Brave Girls

Deb invites her new boyfriend home to meet her adult daughters while desperately trying to suppress how troubled they are. Comedy, starring Kat Sadler, Lizzie Davidson, Louise Brealey, Paul Bazely and Amy Trigg.

Genre: Comedy

Running Time: 25 minutes (approx)

When is Such Brave Girls next on TV?

It's next showing on BBC Three January 29th, 10:25pm and on BBC Three HD January 29th, 10:25pm. See more...

Main Cast

Kat Sadler
Image for Louise BrealeyLouise Brealey
Paul Bazely
Lizzie Davidson
Freddie Meredith
Sam Buchanan
Carla Woodcock
Jude Mack
Bilal Zafar
Paul Casar
Eleanor Nawal
Christy Coysh
Mariam Haque
Amy Trigg
Alexander Kirk
Eileen Davies
Haruka Kuroda
Jennifer Daley
Donna Berlin
Richard Cunningham