
Shelley is a youngish PHD graduate who is on the dole in the late 70s/early 80s and his ideal is to remain so whilst at the same time staying just enough within the system to receive state benefits. Shelley is acerbic, sharp and intellectually superior to most of those he is coming into contact with in the dole office. The result is a dry sitcom of one man's struggle to continue being a layabout.

Genre: Comedy

Running Time: 30 minutes (approx)

Main Cast

Image for Leslie AshLeslie Ash
Belinda Sinclair
Patrick Drury
Rowena Roberts
Nicholas Le Prevost
James Grout
Elizabeth Sinclair
David Pugh
David Warwick
Madoline Thomas
Christopher Driscoll
Mary Waterhouse
Jospehine Tewson
Andrew Tourell
Nicholas Day
John Barron
Vincent Gardenia
Nicholas Courtney
Hywel Bennett
Garfield Morgan