Tree Fu Tom is a Childrens programme that first aired in 2012.

An a-Maze-Ing Adventure has no rating, but Tree Fu Tom is a 3/5 star programme.
3 star rating
Image for Childrens programme "Tree Fu Tom"

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Tree Fu Tom: An a-Maze-Ing Adventure

Series 5, episode 16

Muru sets Tom and Twigs a quest to find something really, really, really amazing. First they have to navigate through a maze but while doing this Twigs accidentally triggers a runaway grumbleberry and has to be rescued by Tom using the 'Speedy Cheetah' spell, then they find a dried up plant before having to flee some out-of-control spikes triggered by the Mushas. They end up trapped in a cavern, will they ever get out and will they ever find out about the really, really, really amazing thing?

Cast (unconfirmed)

Sophie Aldred
Duncan Wisbey
Image for David AndersDavid Anders