
Ellen E Jones and Mark Kermode explore the world of video shops on screen. Mark talks to director Alex Ross Perry about his documentary Videoheaven, a film that examines the rise and fall of the video shop, and Ellen visiting 20th Century Flicks in Bristol which claims to be the longest running video shop in the world.

Genre: Arts

Running Time: 45 minutes (approx)

When is Screenshot next on TV?

It's next showing on BBC Radio 4 February 7th, 7:15pm and on BBC Radio 4 February 11th, 11:00am. See more...

Main Cast

Ellen E Jones
Mark Kermode
Image for Stephen FryStephen Fry
Steve Chibnall
Molly Manning Walker
Boots Riley
Jen Egan
Cressida Cowell
Monica Ali
Patricia Resnick
Gregg Araki
Image for Samantha MortonSamantha Morton
Image for Mike LeighMike Leigh
Image for Terry GilliamTerry Gilliam
Image for Malcolm McDowellMalcolm McDowell
Image for Guillermo Del ToroGuillermo Del Toro
Christina Newland