
Samantha a beautiful witch falls in love with advertising executive Darrin Stevens and marries him and tries to give up the witchly life to live in suburbia. Her family will not accept this especially Endora, her fiery mother.

Thus the hapless Darrin finds himself in many hair-raising escapades engineered by Sams family designed to show her how unworthy he is.

Genre: Sitcom

3/5 Stars

Main Cast

Ann Prentiss
Erin Murphy
David Harsent
Diane Murphy
Greg Lawrence
Diana Chesney
Beverly Adams
Olan Soule
Meg Wyllie
Elizabeth Fraser
Fredd Wayne
Chet Stratton
William Kendis
Bobby Riha
Mark Tapscott
Donald Foster
Dave Madden
Joey Forman
Gene Blakely
Marcia Wallace