12 certificateSicko is a Film programme that first aired in 2007 and has been classified a 12 certificate.

Sicko is a 4 star programme

Image for the Film programme "Sicko"

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Sicko (2007)

Directed by
Michael Thomas Moore

Straight-talking film-maker Michael Moore (pictured) followed Fahrenheit 911 with this thoughtful and cutting appraisal of the American healthcare system.

Moore reserves his sharpest criticism for the American insurance companies, who hold the power of life and death over many US citizens. There are plenty of horror stories backing up Moore's assertion that long-term and emergency medical care are being denied to patients who can't afford it.

Critics have disapproved of the sometimes one-sided views of Moore's previous films, and he appears to have taken note: Sicko aims to tell it like it is, without making the American healthcare system the launch pad for a personal rant. It mostly succeeds.

UK viewers will no doubt baulk at the representation of the NHS as a medical utopia, but when faced with the American lumber worker who was forced to decide which finger to save because he couldn't afford both, most will no doubt say a quiet thank you to Nye Bevan.

Genre: Film

Running Time: 119 minutes (approx)

Production Year: 2007

4/5 Stars

Classification: 12 Certificate

Production Country: USA

Filmed in Colour


Image for Michael Thomas MooreMichael Thomas Moore...Himself
Tony Benn...Himself
George W. Bush...Himself
Reggie Cervantes...Herself
Bill Clinton...Himself
Hillary Clinton...Herself
John Graham...Himself
William Maher...Himself
Richard Nixon...Himself
Linda Peeno...Herself