Murder in Successville is a Comedy programme.

Incognito has no rating, but Murder in Successville is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
Image for Comedy programme "Murder in Successville"

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Murder in Successville: Incognito

Series 2, episode 4

Improvised comedy. DI Sleet is joined by singer and jungle star George Shelley, who takes on the role of his cop sidekick. Sleet and Shelley investigate a group of computer hackers called Incognito. One of the gang, Ed Sheeran, has been strangled to death in his den. Shelley is put through his paces as he interviews the suspects, Shia LaBeouf, Sarah Millican and Jeremy Kyle. After meeting all three suspects, it is time for George to decide who killed Ed Sheeran.

Cast (unconfirmed)

Tom Davis
George Shelley
Liam Hourican
Luke Kempner
Cariad Lloyd
Joseph Morpurgo