Murder in Successville is a Comedy programme.

Miranda has no rating, but Murder in Successville is a 4/5 star programme.
4 star rating
Image for Comedy programme "Murder in Successville"

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Murder in Successville: Miranda

Series 2, episode 2

Improvised comedy. DI Sleet is joined by Mark Wright and tasked with cleaning up the streets of Successville. Chief Ramsay wants them to eradicate a new lethal drug, nicknamed Miranda. The duo's first port of call is to meet Daniel Radcliffe, a shady snitch who has agreed to reveal the dealer responsible for the deadly drug. Unfortunately, he is shot dead before exposing the truth. Looks like the detectives have a good old-fashioned murder mystery on their hands. The suspects the cop duo meet this week are biker gang leader Paul Hollywood, Claudia Winkleman and Tess Daly, and Frankie Boyle, a cruel and psychotic cartel leader who clearly has no respect for the police. Having met all the suspects, Mark must decide who shot Radcliffe and who had been peddling the drug Miranda on the street.

Cast (unconfirmed)

Tom Davis
Image for Mark WrightMark Wright
Liam Hourican
Luke Kempner
Cariad Lloyd
Image for Neil MaskellNeil Maskell